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ACCESS Harris County Workforce

It is the responsibility of all Harris County employees, partner departments, contractors and volunteers to use, protect, and preserve personal and confidential client, employee, financial, or strategic business information in accordance with state/federal laws and County policy. By signing this document, I understand that I will be working on a multi-disciplinary team that is associated with the ACCESS Harris County program. I understand that as a member of the ACCESS Harris County Interdepartmental Multidisciplinary Team (IMDT) and/or an ACCESS Harris County Care Coordination Team (CCT), I am a case manager or directly support case management of ACCESS Harris County clients. All members of the ACCESS Harris County IMDT and CCTs are treatment providers as defined in 45 CFR § 164.103.

I understand that, in the course of my work for ACCESS Harris County, I will work with highly sensitive information which is confidential under federal and state law, or which Harris County considers confidential and/or proprietary. This may include health, social services, criminal justice, and housing information. I understand that I may not use any information from this program in a way that is not authorized by the ACCESS Harris County Privacy and Security Policy.

I will not access or attempt to access any program information unless I am authorized to access it and the information is relevant to my role on the IMDT and/or CCT. I understand that the logon ID, computer password and electronic signature assigned to me are to be used solely by me for my authorized access to information. I will not share my password with anyone and I will take all necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of my login information. I also understand and agree that the use of my ID and password to use Harris County electronic systems constitutes a digital signature and is the equivalent of my handwritten signature on the documents.

I understand that all software and hardware including the County e-mail system, electronic health records system, and Watson Care Manager are County property and subject to monitoring and review. I agree that while working on the IMDT and/or CCT, I will only use computing devices, such as desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, mobile phones and external storage that have been approved for program use. I will secure my computer by locking my terminal (Windows key + L) prior to leaving it unattended and I will lock confidential documents or devices in a secure location prior to leaving them unattended. I understand that I may be personally responsible for any breach of confidentiality resulting from an unauthorized access to data on that device due to theft, loss or any other compromise. I will contact the IDS Service Desk at (707) 565-2030 for questions about encryption or other software or hardware security.

I understand that any violation of County privacy or security policies may result in disciplinary action against me, up to and including termination of employment.

This agreement shall remain in effect for the duration of my work on the ACCESS Harris County IMDT and/or CCT, and shall continue thereafter. I agree that upon reassignment from the IMDT and/or CCT, or if for any other reason I am not affiliated with the County, I will continue to abide by the confidentiality provisions in this agreement. I further agree that upon completion of my assignment, I will not remove any confidential or proprietary information from the County and I will return any and all confidential and/or proprietary information I may have in my possession.